Excise & Customs

Excise & Customs Warehousing

Excise Warehousing

Excise warehousing, which is a UK Duty, covers 3 categories of goods:

  • Alcohol Products
  • Energy Products
  • Tobacco Products

Vision Warehousing & Vision Bond are designed to work for any excise approved facilities where goods are stored in a duty suspended state.
The Vision project implementation team work with you and your HMRC officer during implementation to provide HMRC with sufficient checks and balances to ensure the system meets the requirements.

Excise warehousing requires specific features within the warehouse system to enable product and stock to be clearly identified, checked, validated and charged. Built-in functionality ensures that product setup integrity is maintained.
Within Vision Warehousing we hold approved country codes, currencies, exchange rates, tax codes, product types, tax rates as well as all other fields required for different types of excise goods.

Customs Warehousing

Customs Duty applies to all goods coming onto the EU. It's a duty that is collected by HMRC on behalf of the European Union.
When it comes to customs duty the commodity code is used with its varying methodologies for charging as well as the quota and preferences, all the possibilities have been built into the system already.

Just Getting Started?

When thinking about getting involved with Excise or Customs warehousing, we strongly suggest speaking to us, our expertise and experience means we will be able to assist with the process.