Excise Movement and Control System

 is the new electronic system which was introduced in 2011 across all EU Member States.
It is designed to capture all duty suspended movements and has replaced the previous paper Administrative Accompanying Document (AAD) and W8.


What Does EMCS Do?

EMCS is a control system that captures and processes all duty suspended movements of goods within the EU and UK.
It links thousands of warehouse keepers and traders in 27 administrations across the EU. It is designed to replace the paperwork that used to accompany duty suspended goods with an electronic system.


How Does Vision Bond Help?

Vision Bond an approved system for use with HMRC for the submissions of data. Typically this means that we take transactional information from a WMS and pass it to EMCS and from EMCS and pass it back to the WMS.
Normally Vision Bond would work seamlessly with Vision Warehousing, but it could be used on its own or alternatively connected to any WMS or ERP system.
The cost of administering the EMCS on your business can be expensive for both time and money. Whilst a few transactions can be processed manually the lack of functionality within the HMRC portal is such that this is extremely time-consuming.
If you have just a few transactions and are not in a rush then there probably isn't much of an issue for you - however, if you have multiple transactions that are time sensitive incorporating and automating as much of the process as possible will result in time and cost savings.

Vision Bond is a real, viable solution that will meet your
 EMCS needs.